Local Attractions near Villa Merano

From strolling on the beach to diving into one of the most beautiful tropical deep blue ocean, there are plenty of amazing things to do around Gili.


Enjoy the Tropical Sunsets

If you’re staying on the island for a few days, don’t forget to head to the east side in the morning to see the sunrise.

And in the afternoon, all you have to do is take a trip to the west side of the island to see the stunning Gili sunset.

Scuba Diving

scuba diving at gili meno

If you only appreciate the surface and not the underwater area, your visit to Gili Meno is incomplete. The undersea beauty surrounding the island is breathtaking. It is dominated by a range of vibrant coral reefs that are adorned by a variety of marine species ranging from turtles to reef sharks. Because the ocean currents on the diving places are not very powerful, Gili diving activities are very safe here.

Visiting Turtles Captivity

The Green Turtle Captivity is one of the many attractions on Gili Meno. The Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Affairs manages turtle egg incubation in this area. The hatchery looks like little ponds around 1m x 1m in size, with cute and adorable turtle kids. Although the turtles in captivity appear green, their skin is reddish when they are infants.

Gili Meno Bird Park

The sound of birds flying freely amid the trees adds to the peaceful rural environment.

Gili Meno Bird Park, located in one of the village’s corners, houses several bird collections. The bird park is owned by an Australian, not the local government.

Gili Meno Bird Park is home to dozens of tropical bird species such as Betet, Nuri, and Flamingo. Eclectus parrots, fire-scented barbets, parakeets, peacocks, ospreys and eagles, dumb swans, wild pheasants, Nicobar pigeons, wild turkeys, rainbow pendants, and many more are among the outstanding birds.

Everything inside the bird park area is immaculately kept.


Snorkeling is an option for individuals who wish to appreciate the beauty of the undersea world without having to pay hefty costs like scuba diving. Many people chose snorkeling because of the clear and tranquil sea water. Even if you merely participate in the snorkeling activity, you can still enjoy the underwater splendor, which includes fish and turtles.